Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Katy Perry beating Taylor Swift in the Forbes list of highest-paid musician in 2018 could be exciting to fans of lower-end pop. It's further down Forbes' listing of 10, where the intrigue is real and could lead to a challenger. Helene Fischer is listed as No. 8 on Forbes' top 10 list, close to Rihanna and ahead of Celine Dion and Britney Spears. Who? The German-Russian superstar is determined to maintain her everywoman appeal for something. In all of her interviews, she only mentions that she likes artisanal butter. Her husband, who is was a German TV star was also shocked to find her tattooed face across his arm. Fischer 34, in more tame biographical terms, is a star in Germanys Schlager Scene. The music is oriented in two different directions. The first is a bierhalle oompah that is a snarl of concern to alcohol-related boozebabes as well as Bundesrepublik. Fischer is the person who is the embodiment of this, an obedient woman with a heart that is slurred and her breathing slows as she considers the ways her husband is playing the female vulnerability in order to inspire his protection instincts. Schlager took on its traditional themes to fight the vulgar western style that had invaded Germany after WWII. This is due to its popularity among Baby Boomers as well as outside. Fischer hosts a Schlager Christmas TV Special every year. The show is an all-star program that competes with channel 4's Club X. The roots of Schlager makes it the country music's soul brother. Fischer gives the genre an aggressive, synth-pop update in line with the style of her German Taylor Swift. Swifts pop-evolution has made her cool. However, it's tough to determine how much public likes Fischers flat out awful music.
Claudia Wells was an American actor who was born Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but was raised to San Francisco CA. Wells became famous for her role as Jennifer Parker, Marty McFly's lover in the film Back to the Future. Wells also co-starred as a co-star in Stop the Madness, a music video about drugs that was commissioned by the Reagan Administration that featured well-known actors, musicians and sports stars. Then, in 1985, she appeared as the principal character in the TV movie Babies Having Babies. This was a version for television of Fast Times from 1982. Claudia had a successful career as an emerging star in the world of the world of Hollywood. When her mother was diagnosed with cancer Claudia took off from her career. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called So far, Claudia has accumulated more than 50 credits in both theatre and in film, however she considers her true acting career on the screen to still be ahead of her as she seeks out challenging roles that deviate from convention and push the envelope. Claudia Wells is the manager of Armani Wells a clothing boutique designed for men. The website contains more information.

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